Introduction to Lettering
Ken Barber
Lettering has become an increasingly marketable, if not essential, skill for artists working in design and advertising. The warmth and personality of hand-drawn letterforms can hardly be matched by off-the-shelf fonts. In this workshop, attendees will learn how to get the most out of lettering in a variety of applications.
Participants will begin by gaining a solid basis in the main principles that make for successful lettering. Referring to familiar typographic models and helpful specimens, students will then learn how to customize letterforms as they draw their own logos and wordmarks. Comprehensive slide presentations, informative sketching demonstrations, skill-building exercises, professional case studies, and valuable one-on-one critiques will provide further guidance as attendees acquire a practical foundation for implementing one-of-a-kind lettering in numerous design contexts.
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Required Materials
No.2 pencils (conventional or mechanical)pencil sharpener (if applicable)erasers (conventional and kneaded)pad of tracing paper (9″×12″ pad is recommended)pad of quadrille 4×4 grid/graph paper (9″×12″ pad, 4 squares per linear inch is recommended)12 inch rulerSharpie® Fine and Extra Fine markerswhite-out correction fluid penadhesive tape (for posting sketches)a computer or device to join the Zoom meeting and a reliable internet connectionZoom app recommendedAbout Ken Barber