Grendl Löfkvist
Workshop Instructor

Grendl Löfkvist is an instructor in the Visual Media Design Department at City College of San Francisco, where she teaches the history of graphic design, bookbinding and book arts, calligraphy, and letterpress printing. She also offers a variety of courses at the San Francisco Center for the Book, including blackletter calligraphy, traditional letterpress printing, and the history and practice of printing with wood type.
Löfkvist was a press operator for 13 years at Inkworks Press in Berkeley, a collectively owned, politically progressive offset printing company that just recently closed its doors. She does letterpress and printmaking work under the imprints of Red Star Agitprop and Cloven Hoof Press, and she is currently the President of the American Printing History Association's Northern California Chapter.
Her interests include the study of printing as a subversive “Black Art,” and she is always on the lookout for bizarre, unusual, or macabre print and type lore.