Typeface design education from Cooper Union

Tim Brown

Guest Speaker
Tim brown
Tim Brown is a designer, writer, speaker, and toolmaker, with a focus on typography. Formerly a web designer at Vassar College, he is now Type Manager for Adobe Typekit ("The best way to use fonts"), a curator for A List Apart ("For people who make websites"), and the author of Nice Web Type ("For the betterment of typographic style and practice") (@nicewebtype on Twitter). After making Modular Scale ("Meaningful typographic measurement") and Web Font Specimen ("Real web type in real web context"), Tim wrote about each in two all-time staff favorite A List Apart articles ("More Meaningful Typography and Real Web Type in Real Web Context"). His ideas about Molten Leading inspired jQuery plugins for fluid line-height. He has spoken at Inspire and Build, participated in AIGA Breakthroughs, and appeared on The Big Web Show ("Everything web that matters") with Jeffrey Zeldman. Tim lives and works in New York State’s beautiful Hudson Valley with his wife and college sweetheart, Eileen, their two daughters, and two dogs.